Eating Local, Finding Inspiration Globally

Chef Becky is very connected to the Earth. 

As a native New Jerseyan, she is well-versed in the strong four seasons that the northeast gets, with bone-cold winters and humid summers. (Spring and Fall are quite lovely in the area.) She loves to catch full moons and clear night skies and wildlife. Accordingly, as a Chef, she tries to get local ingredients when possible – after all, it is the Garden State – and believes in transforming those ingredients into unique dishes inspired by global tastes. 


Agrotourism and Rural NJ 

Folks from all over New Jersey come to Hunterdon County for pumpkins and cider in the Fall, corn and strawberries in the Summer, and the area’s many farms, which have opened up in recent years to agrotourism. Alstede Farms and Ort Farms are fun-for-all-ages places that give needed respite from New Jersey’s busier areas. It’s therapeutic to pat a goat on the head, 

“It’s a chance for suburban- and urban-sensibility folks to understand where their food comes from,” Chef Becky says. “Food doesn’t magically appear at Whole Foods in cities. As the old saying goes, No Farmers, No Food.” 



Food used to be simple. 

In the 1950s, the US Government gave food imagery that was, of course, to be trusted, and had no influence, of course, from any of the meat or dairy lobbies. Wink wink. Meals were square, with the meat, starch, and vegetable triad. The food pyramid, which was introduced in the 1970s, changed over time, and the 2000s saw an absolute explosion of niche eating and what used to be called “picky eater PITAs (pain-in-the-ass)” going mainstream. We say this tongue-in-cheek. 


Even though Crohn’s Disease and Celiac Disease impact only around 1% of the population, eateries began offering gluten-free choices. Up rose vegans, pescatarians, and all sorts of label-scouring people with allergies and strong ethics about food. Granted, vegetarians and picky eaters and food allergies have always existed, but supermarkets changed radically as the world did in the 2000s, and the emergence of GMOs and corporate food and Big Ag changed things too. 


“Bex adapted,” Chef Becky recounts. “Our cafe offers nut-free, vegan, and dairy-free options, and in working with clients for catering I’m 99.9% amenable to making dietary changes for people.”


Reducing Food Waste

“Diana Kennedy [Mexican cuisine authority and mentor of Chef Becky] visited once and instantly looked at how much or little food waste we were producing,” Becky said. “We have some rules at Bex: cook from scratch, use food to its maximum, and go for anti-inflammatory, straightforward whole foods.” 


Summertime Rolls*

Summer is of course the season of bounty! New Jersey blooms with farm-fresh delights and food to forage, which leads nicely into the cooler Fall and its kaleidoscope of leaf colors. Looking to learn about foraging? Look no further


Global Inspo

Chef Becky keeps an open mind always to learning about global cuisine. “I lived in Russia for a while,” the Chef recounts, “and have traveled around as much as possible. I feel a special kinship with Japanese culture. Our Vietnam-inspired pho dish is really fun because the customer customizes their dish and the possibilities and permutations are limitless.” 

Come to Bex for high-quality ingredients made by hand into fabulous dishes with a global feel. We look forward to serving you. 

*as rock band Jane’s Addiction said